Hello Again, Opportunity Overload

OO family,
We sent out an email a few days back. I'm pasting the email below if you didn't see this:
I am reaching out to a small group of our past subscribers. I'll be picking up the content where we left off. If you’re on this list it’s because you are exceptional in many ways.
I haven't sent out anything in a long time as I have been tied up with another venture that we launched ~ This is a sock (advanced textile) brand that is doing really well.
I value the fact that you are an OO reader. And many of you are building your own opportunities that are fantastic. Over the years, many of you have built companies based on the ideas in these newsletter before selling them. As you know we buy and sell sites through our newsletter with some of them selling within a matter of minutes. It's like a private club of people trying to help each other move forward.
I use this newsletter as a journal -a place to collect opportunities while I build my own war chest. You’ll receive a broad opportunity along with 3 or more sites, domains or assets~ plain and simple.
Here are a few broad opportunities from past issues:
ATM's of the Future

Ever wanted to be a vending machine operator? No? Ok, well, either way, check this out. It’s a bitcoin ATM machine. There are 3 models, starting from just $6,000. Each transaction nets you around 5.5%. According to the FAQ, they estimate you recovering the cost of the machine in 7-9 months depending on foot traffic.
Easy Platform for Making Bots

It's easy to talk about IoT opportunities and leave folks frustrated with having to invent their own hardware or cobble together their own Arduino prototypes. Nascent Objects is making it modular and communicative to get your ideas up and running. Partnering with Ammunition as a sort of mini incubator that takes zero equity, it's never been simpler to make hardware devices for market.
Thank you for being a part of OO, I’d like you to subscribe ONLY if you want to build you'd like to stay on board.
I have limited spaces available, so respond here if you would like to unsubscribe by unsubscribing or hitting reply - 'u'. (Update). We've increased our ESP seat count for subscribers to over 8K so we're good!
OO does have a paid plan; I'll be sending more information on that soon.
If you've unsubscribed in the past and, were somehow added back to the list I apologize.
We’re constantly researching what kind of big opportunities are out there. It's a sort of personal journal, for our own investments. We recommend what we would build, buy or sell ourselves—Opportunity Overload
If you would like to contribute to our broad opportunity section or if you'd like to sell a site, domain or asset just reply to this email.
If myself or the team can be of any help, just reach out.
P.S. Are you open to the idea of running a campaign together? Sponsorship openings available...