Issue # 20: How Bending Reality Can Make You Millions...

Broad Opportunities
From the OO Headquarters...
Sunday. I decided to head over to Costco.
I have been reading a lot about various diets yet, not only to shed the COVID, acquired pounds but, to increase my energy levels to the point where I am bouncing off walls—low carbohydrate diet with one day of eat 'what cha like'.
So I threw some densely loaded protein rich food in the cart and headed to check out.
As I was in line there, the cashier, someone murmured, 'I was going to that cashier.'
What is this? A voice from behind—I thought.
I replied no You are NOT, you were moving towards the cashier, and I'm ahead of you. The obese, older man seemed taken back, as he moved his cart to another line.
I then said, it really doesn't matter, and it didn't. Would you like to go ahead of me?
He then said.
'Oh no'
You don't have much in your cart. You go right ahead.
As I left COSTCO, I saw him on the way out.
She looked like she was about 80. Hard to tell. She sat in her electronic scooter and the old gray-haired man and I stood side by side. We waited for her to move. Her buttons weren't working. 'Gray hair' looked at me and said, I guess we can go.
'He smiled and said have a nice day, Sir'
When in public and while working on deals, acquisition etc., use your brain. And yes, be an example for others.
The one thing that you can control is how you respond to any situation...
Will you flip out? Or will you remain calm?
At times, it's just about exercising a bit of consideration for another human being.
Think about how you will respond in certain situations...
Buying and selling companies is not always straightforward.
Think creatively about how to meander through a deal flow. And success will be knocking. Can you add value to a business in some way? Good at marketing? Partnerships?
Digital Dollar
There have been a few proposals for the digital dollar that include stablecoins or other decentralized ledger tools. Blockchains allow every transaction to be tracked (lookout tax dodgers), it is tied to sender and receiver. There is a bill that is in consideration. It will allow the electronic dollar to be deemed legal tender.

Similar to the greenback. The token based system that uses secured hardware, software, and it's issued by the Treasury.
The Electronic Currency and Secure Hardware (ECASH) Act was recently introduced by US lawmakers, proposing that the US Treasury Department may be the most appropriate entity to establish a digital dollar.
There may be massive splinter opportunities here. Watching this closely.