Issue #6: 3D Printing - Old Technology, New Applications

Broad Opportunity
The 3D printing technology may have been around since the 80s - the earliest recorded use being in 1981 by Japanese inventor Hideo Kodama. But never has it been more popular as a business opportunity than it is now. It doesn’t need much expertise as long as you have a well-functioning 3D printer with the basic features and a little knowledge of how to operate it. Clients usually come with their own ideas or models. And all you need to do is replicate that idea into a 3D printed prototype and build it to scale.
This trending method of additive manufacturing has ventured into multiple industries, including automotive, medical, consumer goods, and more. From prototyping to manufacturing functional parts, the 3D printing market is growing rapidly and is expected to reach 34.8 billion USD by 2024.
A bit of 3D modeling skills could take you a long way in this business. Build your own website - start a 3D print-on-demand business - or choose a platform to sell your ready-made products. Either way, with high-quality materials and robust manufacturing, you could create a substantial customer base over time. Most small business blogs have unanimously suggested FlashForge, Formlabs, Ultimaker, and Original Prusa to be some of the best brands of 3D printers for small and home business use. So, be it creating cute customized souvenirs or functional machine parts, 3D printing gives you a world of business opportunities.
Name: Block Chain Notary
URL: Blockchain Notary
Description: Blockchain Notary is an open source service that computes the cryptographic hash for your documents and stores this cryptographic information on the Blockchain. Asking Price: 2-3K USD
Name: Solar Panel Lead Generation Business
URL: Solar Panel Lead Generation
Description:2.5 Year old solar panel lead generation business that generated $476,652 USD in the last 12 months and turned a profit of $339,311 USD. Net profit over last 12 months: $339,311 USD.
Name: 2 Vending Machines for Sale in Los Angeles
URL: Vending Machines
Description: Seller is including the location which has a lot of potential. However covid has been holding it down currently. There are only about 10 - 15 workers at the location per day. When In full capacity the location has 100 workers. They are working on getting more people in starting September. Currently breaking even with expenses. Asking Price: 6K
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